Monday, August 18, 2008

Fight Boredom And Make Money Online

I wanted to do a quick post on fighting the boredom that comes along with affiliate marketing and niche marketing. For me the boredom comes with the promoting part. Writing articles, commenting on blogs and posting in forums is boring as hell to me, but these things are necessary in order to make money online no matter what you’re doing.

If you keep working on something that bores you it can be discouraging and make you want to quit. I have found that doing these boring things in small portions is very affective in fighting boredom. I am a creative person so building websites is more pleasing for me than marketing them. So, what I have found is that I can work on the promoting until I get bored, then I can work on creating a website and get energized and I’m still working on something to make money online. I can then work on promoting again later.

If you’re anything like me you want to do all of one thing until it’s done and have it out of the way as quickly as possible. But, forcing yourself to keep doing a boring task can make you want to give up. Take a break and do something that you like doing that’s still in line with making money.

One more thing I want to mention is doing something that doesn’t work as well as you thought or at all can also be discouraging and make you give up. However, just keep trying. Try something, different. Look at what others are doing that are making it and copy them. After all they are really only people like you. Just keep in mind that you can make money online as long as you keep at it

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