Thursday, January 14, 2010

Niche Blogging As A Way Of Making Money Online

I have talked about blogging as a way of making money online before, but this time I want to talk about a very specific type of blogging and that is niche blogging. Niche blogging is when you target a specific subject and narrow your posts to just that subject without going outside of it.

Now most blogs do target a certain niche, but the target is somewhat broad. That this blog for instance, it’s about making money online, but it’s a broad niche. As such I talk about different ways of making that money such as affiliate marketing, blogging, niche marketing and so on. Now if this blog was about making money online blogging that’s a much more focused niche and all my posts would be focused on just that.

So what would be the reason for doing those more focused niche blogs? Why for the money of course. If you are placing Google Adsense ads on those blogs the more targeted those ads will be. So if you are targeting high paying niche keywords like “peritoneal mesothelioma “ or “best buy gift card “ then your blog will be rich with high paying Adsense ads based on these keywords and will pay you well when clicked.

What you could do is create several of those highly targeted niche blogs put 20 to 30 posts on them and work to make sure they rank high in the search engines and that you are getting good targeted traffic to them and then lay back and let them work.

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