Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Making Money Online Selling Stuff You Don’t Have

Making money online by selling stuff you don’t have, what a concept, huh? Well, the thing is that it can actually be done. That’s right you can sell stuff that you never have to touch, stock, or own. The term for this type of selling is drop shipping and it’s a very easy concept to understand. You sell an item that is somewhere else and that you never have to touch and your job is done. Someone else packs the item and ships it to the buyer. How great is that.

There are two types of items that you can sell like this, physical items and digital items. I have done both. Actually, even if you deliver the digital items yourself it’s nothing more than either an e-mail with a download link or a download after payment has been completed.

There are plenty of places on the Internet that allow you to sell their products and they ship the item. Here are the ones that I have used.

· ClickBank: They have only digital products.
· Finerworks: I will talk some more about this one in another post.
· Zazzle: Here you can create your own products like t-shirts, mugs, tote bags, etc. and they ship them.
· Café Press: Their the same as Zazzle, however I think Zazzle is easier to use.
· Amazon: Everybody knows this one. You can sell all kinds of products from here.

Now those are just the places I use for drop shipping. Just by doing a search for drop shipping you will find loads of others.

Lets talk about how you can go about making money online using these places. Well places like Zazzle and Café Press let you set your own shop to sell your products from and Finerworks gives you your own little website. You can also use Squidoo to sell your products from these places.

One of the big things that most people use drop shippers for is selling on auction sites like eBay. You can also setup your own website for selling drop ship merchandise.

If you’re into selling, as away of making money online I’m sure that you will agree with me that drop shipping is the way to go. No cluttering up your home with merchandise and no time consuming packing and shipping the stuff yourself. Just make the sale and forget it.

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Mister Linker

1 comment:

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