Monday, January 4, 2010

Making Money Online In 2010

Well here it is 2010, a brand new year and the question I want to ask you is, are you making money online? It’s the same question I’m asking myself and my answer is, yes, but not as much as I thought I would be making or that I should be making. I must admit that it is my fault that I’m not making the money online that I should be.

I did a lot of things that I know I shouldn’t have. I procrastinated, I jumped from one thing to another to another, I worked on things that I knew wasn’t profitable and was a waste of time and some times I was right down lazy and didn’t do anything. The good thing is that I know all of this so I can correct it.

A lot of people I see seem to blame other things for their failure to make money online and as such claim that making substantial money online is not possible. I post quite a bit over at myLot and I see people saying this a lot. The thing is, as long as you blame something you can’t fix you will continue to fail because you can always look at that outside thing as your source of failure.

However, if you look at the things that you are doing and what you can do different then you are on your way to successfully making money online. Remember, you can’t fix anything you don’t have control over, but you can fix yourself. There are tons of ways to make money online. All you have to do is find one or even two ways that fit you and work them. Also keep in mind it will take some hard work to get going, but the good thing about working online is once it gets going you don’t have to work as hard.

So, want are my plans for making a substantial income online in 2010? Well, I will continue to do my art of course, but I have also realized something. Simply put, the more online properties I have the more money I can make, so that is something I will be putting a lot of my time on. What I mean by online properties is websites, blogs, Hub Pages, Squidoo Lenses, etc. I will talk more about making money with online properties in tomorrow’s post.

The bottom line is if you want to make job-quitting money online you have to push. We all make mistakes in this business and fall on our faces on our way to reaching our goals, but the main thing is to pick yourself up, look at where you can make a change and then keep moving forward. Making money online takes hard work, but making money anywhere takes hard work you just have to decide if you want to work hard for yourself or for someone else.

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