Monday, June 21, 2010

Automatic Blogging With SEO LinkVine

Before I get into making money online with automatic blogging, I what to first acknowledge that I realize that I haven't posted here in awhile. I am an artist and I have been working on some art projects as well as some other things. But I am back for now and I have some pretty interesting information that will help you make some money.

I have been interested in autoblogging for a long time now and although there is software out there that lets you do it, it either wasn't affordable or didn't do what I really needed it to do. That is until now.

There is a new site called SEO LinkVine that makes auto blogging affordable. How about FREE? Now that's affordable. That's right, you can have your blog posted to automatically for free.

For those who don't know, let me tell you what I mean by automatic blogging. This is where you have articles posted to your blog daily or however often you choose without you having to do nothing more than setup your blog. You never have to write a post, unless you want to and will still have content posted to your blog on a regular basis.

Everybody knows that blogging is one of the best ways of making money online. The problem is that most people need to have several blogs in order to make some decent money. Now it's hard enough to come with quality content on a regular basis with one blog. Try doing it for five, six or even ten blogs.

But, if you can have relevant quality content posted on your blogs regularly, with no work on your part other than promoting them then you can have as many blogs as you want. That's where SEO LinkVine comes in. It's not a software program it's a website that's an automatic blog poster. All you have to do is add your blogs, choose a category (niche), select how often you what content posted and you're done. You will start having content posted within a day or two.
I have tried it with one blog so far, which you can see by Clicking Here. I only wrote the first two posts on that blog, that rest was automatically posted.

Right now you can't use SEO LinkVine with blogger blogs. Your blogs must have remote publishing available. Currently only XML-RPC remote publishing, which includes Wordpress blogs, free and domains that use the Wordpress software, Joomla websites, Drupal websites and other sites that has XML-RPC enabled, which is why I used a free Wordpress blog. I do plan to do a lot more of these blogs.

In case you're wondering where SEO LinkVine gets the content for the blogs in their system, it's from writers looking to get backlinks or market a product. I'll tell you more about that tomorrow. Meanwhile if you're looking to do some automatic blogging go check out SEO LinkVine.

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Mister Linker


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